Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Gratitude Power Challenge

The Gratitude Power Challenge has officially launched. The challenge is to circulate 1 million dollar bills with messages of gratitude. What a compassionate idea to bring giving and gratitude together! This flow of positive energy can make a huge impact in the manifestation of dreams and possibilities.

The dollars will be gathered and contributed to a number holiday giving needs– such as food banks, toys for children’s hospitals, organizations that support the homeless and more.

Positive circulation increases the value of things because it is beneficial to both giver and receiver. Positive circulation occurs when what is received is combined and transformed into something better and given away again.

It is actually better to give in smaller amounts but more frequently than to give in large amounts but less frequently. It’s the consistency of giving and not magnitude that has the effect. When you give frequently, you are in constant flow and there is no stagnation.

To participate in the challenge:
Take a 1-dollar bill and write on it what you are grateful for. (Please limit one message per dollar) Mail your message of gratitude to: Gratitude Power, 87 Bayside Court, Richmond, CA 94804

We will start posting results of the challenge beginning Nov. 1, 2007 –We encourage you to share the challenge with friends and family. Let’s do something to make the world a brighter place. Gratitude is powerful!
Find out more about Gratitude Power by visiting our website: www.gratitudepower.net

Saturday, October 13, 2007

One Small Act of Kindness

Give yourself the opportunity to experience a state of joy for yourself. Sometime within the next couple days, I ask you to perform one small act of kindness for someone you don’t know. The reason I suggest it be someone you don’t know is so you’ll experience the power of stepping outside your comfort zone… and also so you’ll recognize that you have the power to give no matter where you are.

Do something that isn’t a big sacrifice for you but which will make a positive difference for someone else. Offer a few words of praise, an encouraging letter, a small gift, a little favor. Center yourself in your heart as you do this; feel the desire to do something that is genuinely selfless.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Take Nothing for Granted

Gratitude though simple, must be consciously cultivated.
We must train our minds to see blessings instead of disappointments.
Simple gifts in life become extraordinary and wonderful when we recognize them
Take nothing for granted.

Giving Must be a Circulation

Giving must be a circulation and not just an outflow. When you give, you need to receive something in return in order to enable yourself to continue to give more. Your can only give in proportion with your ability to receive.

The best givers are the best receivers. The key is to be abundant and happy with yourself. Then from that space you can reach out and help others. Otherwise instead of changing the world, we are just tilting the scale from one extreme to the other. Balance is found not when one is down and the other one is up, but when were are all at the same level where in our own personal way, we feel abundance, happy and fulfilled, that we are sharing our talents, resources, and gifts with one another.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Flood Your Mind with Appreciation

When you find things that you appreciate and you use them as your point of focus, your world has to get better in every area of your life. Every time you flood your mind with appreciation or gratitude you attract more of what you desire.

Look around you right now. What can you be grateful for? Get into the authentic feeling of true gratitude. Find something, anything, to be grateful for right now. When you are grateful, you’re in a high energy vibration that will attract more things to be grateful for and more good things will come to you magically, drawn in by your feelings of gratitude.

The emotion of joy attracts conditions of joy.

What You Give Thanks for Multiplies

Bless the little and the little becomes a lot. What you appreciate, appreciates in value. What are you are happy about flourishes. When you feel good, you would do things that would produce positive results. The more good emotions you feel, the more positive actions you will make and therefore create more happiness in your reality.

If you choose to use prayer to help create the things you most desire in your life, then you must pray in the right way. A prayer that begs, pleads, wants, or wishes for things, will produce the experience of you begging, pleading, wanting, or wishing for those things. Never beg or want for anything. This request is a statement of lack which produces the experience of you wanting the thing you desire, not having it. The most powerful prayer is a prayer of gratitude.

Thank God in advance for those things you wish to create because, in essence, they have already been created in thought.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Unconditional Love

The most important and powerful emotion of all which is also the emotion behind all creation is love, unconditional love. The more emotion you can infuse your conscious creation with, the more successful you will be in manifesting it and sooner. Not only that, but if you can maintain these high states of emotion, you will find your life will be “magically” and “miraculously” transformed.

The natural state of the universe is a constant flow of “Well-Being”. As humans, aspects of the divine, we can either allow the flow of Well-Being, or deny and block it. Negative emotions are contractive and will block Well-Being. Positive emotions, in particular unconditional love will open us up to the flow of abundance of the universe. When you are in a state of gratitude, you are in a state of receiving God’s love.

The Key to Creation

The biggest key to creation is thankfulness in advance. To be grateful before, and for, the creation. It is the sure sign of mastery. All masters know in advance that the deed has been done. To feel sincerely grateful is to be in tune with the universe and with the truth that everything you truly desire is already provided. An attitude of gratitude is the key to ultimate success. Why? Because the more grateful you feel for what you have, the more the universe wants you to have.

An attitude of gratitude opens the floodgate for more to come into your life.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Gratitude Quotations

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.
Melody Beattie

There are two ways to live your life: One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is a miracle.
Albert Einstein

Kind words are like honey—Sweet to the taste and good for your health.Proverbs 16:24

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the small act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
Leo Buscaglia

Kind words are jewels that live in the heart and soul and remain as blessed memories years after they have been spoken.
Marvea Johnson

The secret of abundance is to stop focusing on what you do not have, and shift your consciousness to an appreciation of all that you are and all that you do have.
Wayne Dyer

Birds sing after a storm, why shouldn’t we?
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Give Away Whatever It Is That You Want

Always give away whatever it is that you want. If you want love, give love. If you want money, give money. If you want knowledge, give knowledge.

You will always have already been provided by the universe with a certain amount of what you want. You just want more of it. If you give out of the little that you have, much more will come back to you. If you want to have wealth, first show others how to have wealth. Whatever you want, if you cause another being to have it first, you will have it in abundance.

You are in vibrational resonance with abundance through your physical acts of giving and receiving. Giving and receiving are the two polarities of the same frequency spectrum of abundance. That is why people who have the most are the ones that give and receive the most.

Give with sincere gratitude and be open to receive.

Friday, October 5, 2007

More of this Please...

Everytime you appreciate something, everytime you praise something, everytime you feel good about something, you are telling the Universe: "More of this please." You need never make another verbal statement of intent, and if you are mostly in a state of appreciation, all good things will flow to you.

The more you practice gratitude, the less resistance you will have in your own vibrational frequencies. And the less resistance you have, the better your life will be. Once you become oriented toward looking at things to appreciate, you will find that your day will be filled with such things.

Your thoughts and feelings of gratitude will flow from you naturally. And often, while in the midst of a genuine feeling of gratitude for someone or something, you will feel ripples of goose bumps--those sensations are confirming your alignment with your Source.

(From the book: Ask and It Is Given, Esther & Jerry Hicks - The teaching of Abraham)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Accept the Gift

Do not refuse anything good that is offered to you. If someone offers you a gift, take the gift and just say, “Thank You.” If you are in a restaurant and someone wants to pay the bill, don’t argue. Just say, “Thank you” and allow them to give to you. Give up your beliefs about accepting gifts from others. Forget about feeling vulnerable or owing them something. Don’t decline it because you do not want to be affected by the law of reciprocity.

If someone gives you something you don’t like or you don’t need, pass it on to someone else who can use it or enjoy it. As you do this, everyone gets to win. When you refuse a gift from anyone, you are not only blocking the flow of abundance in your life, but you are also blocking the flow of abundance in the giver’s life. If you wanted to give a gift, wouldn’t you want someone to receive your gift? Remember, there can’t be a giver without a receiver.

Whenever you accept a gift, know that you are helping yourself and the giver to complete the cycle of giving and receiving. Of course you can decline a gift when it is given for the wrong purpose or the wrong motive. When you know that someone is giving you something for the purpose of enticing you to do something that is not to your best benefit, you have every right to decline the gift.

True giving is always out of love. Love is the purest motive force and giving is the expression of love. When someone gives to you out of love, you can accept it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Fire the Grid with Gratitude

Fire the Grid was a global plan which allowed us to more fully connect to the earth grid and begin the healing of this planet. Together through prayers and meditation we emitted a powerful surge of love from humanity which united the globe and connected all the regions of the earth simultaneously. In the process, we united our souls in love, peace, harmony and collective cooperation for a better world for our people, today and in the future. We can continue to add to this powerful experience by practicing the act of gratitude toward each other.

This continued flow of gratitude will demonstrate the love and faith we feel for the goodness of our world and her inhabitants. We are the catalyst to the healing of earth. A true believer has the power of ten fold, so if you only think you may believe, know that the faith of the others will boost your own faith and the power will be intensified. That is why we must all sit at the same time. We will feed each others power, strengthening the force of delivery and compounding the energy we send into the core of our home. Each and every one of us is important alone, but together we are a very powerful source of creative energy. Remember we are all a piece of God, and that energy of creation lives in all of us.

Our combined energies will continue to work to direct energy to the Earth and to each other. Our concept is to deliver our intention through the energy of love and gratitude –in turn delivering healing our earth and ourselves. As we offer our energy to heal this world and its people –the positive action of gratitude will manifest a new reality. As with Fire the Grid, we are truly the catalyst to the healing of earth.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Gratitude is a Vibration

Gratitude is an emotional vibration that makes it easier to manifest those things that we want. This works in two ways. One is that feeling a “positive” feeling like gratitude puts us in sync with things that we desire.

By raising our vibrations, we make it easier to attract what we want.
The other is that by expressing gratitude for that which is not yet manifest, we are adopting a posture of assuming that what we want is already there. In this way we encourage it to move from our energy level into our physical life.

If you are grateful for money and express this gratitude, the vibration of money is amplified and this will serve to increase the flow of money in your life. If you are grateful for your good health, your body will respond and more good health will follow.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Be Thankful Today

Quote for Living Life with Gratitude:

Let us rise up and be thankful,

for if we didn't learn a lot today,

at least we learned a little,

and if we didn't learn a little,

at least we didn't get sick,

and if we got sick,

at least we didn't die;

so, let us all be thankful.
