Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What You Give Thanks for Multiplies

Bless the little and the little becomes a lot. What you appreciate, appreciates in value. What are you are happy about flourishes. When you feel good, you would do things that would produce positive results. The more good emotions you feel, the more positive actions you will make and therefore create more happiness in your reality.

If you choose to use prayer to help create the things you most desire in your life, then you must pray in the right way. A prayer that begs, pleads, wants, or wishes for things, will produce the experience of you begging, pleading, wanting, or wishing for those things. Never beg or want for anything. This request is a statement of lack which produces the experience of you wanting the thing you desire, not having it. The most powerful prayer is a prayer of gratitude.

Thank God in advance for those things you wish to create because, in essence, they have already been created in thought.

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